Visit and Guest Speaker
Visit :
On the 14th of December, we had a surprised visit of Rotarian Maria Georgina Gonzalez Frea, from the city of Noeve De Sulio, in the province of Buenos Aires, in Argentina, District: 4905. She explained that her club was founded some 80 years ago, that her father had been a member all his life, so that she had been “immerged” in the Rotary culture! She could join the club about 4 years ago when ladies become welcome as members in her club.
Guest speaker:
To finish the year on a lighter tone, we had the friendly visit of Anuraag Trikha from Holland, and his wife Angie, in fact holidaying regularly in Praslin. Anuraag is the global director on the Heineken brand working in the head office of Heineken in Amsterdam.
He explained how the vision of the original brewer Mr Gerard Adriaan Heineken, 22 years old, who started from a brewery in the heart of Amsterdam, managed to create a brand, an image and expended so much thanks to the power of the brand and the power of marketing associated with it. So the family venture which started in 1864 managed, after three generations of the Heineken family, to develop the world’s most international beer, being sold in over 170 countries.
Anuraag showed us a few slides to document his presentation and played some advertising clips to explain the brand concepts of Heineken and the evolution in the message.
Thank you Anuraag, we are Seybrew and Eku lovers in Seychelles! but we sure shall be unfaithful at times for an Heineken!
Also Anuraag and Angie would like to see products or services from Seychelles being branded and becoming worldwide sellable thanks to the brand; they are ready to consider ventures in which they both could assist with their input of their specialized knowledge about the branding aspect.