Sponsor Walk to Mare Aux Cochons
The goals of this activity were to generate some funds to finance our community projects, and to have a fellowship activity with the members, friends and family.
Mare Aux Cochons is a well known trail, with a steep start but a beautiful, rich and untouched mother nature which is worth to discover. We had asked for the services of Terrence, a professional guide, who accompanied our group.
Here are some memories for our members and friends who came to pick nick in this untouched environment.
The meeting point on the Berjaya parking, waiting for the transports to take us to the trail entrance. Juanita came to wish us “ walk well” journey.
At the end of Le Niol road, waiting for everyone to arrive.
Next, a second group picture to have the photographer!
Next Picture: Vincent is checking the time, before the trail becomes steeper.
Taking a few minutes to admire the Beau Vallon Bay and also to take a well deserved break…
Getting explanations from Terrence, our guide.
George is sharing his observations.
Si il y a plusieurs cochons, mettons un S a «cochon», si il n’y a qu’un cochon retirons le X a «au».
Lors de notre visite, nous n’avons pas vu de cochon ! ni un, ni plusieurs, donc a vous de décider !
Very surprising, a quality of grass that every one is dreaming at for the garden !
A moment of rest
The evidence for our sponsors! The Rotary Club of Victoria Coco De Mer went to Mare Aux Cochons!