Our support to Les li Viv
The Rotary Club Coco De Mer in partnership with the Rotary Club de Profondeville, Belgium, are committed to assist Les Li Viv, an organization involved in giving a second chance to the young mothers.
One of the requests was to fence properly the premises, which has been done recently, and inaugurated while our District Governor Dominique Pota was visiting our Club in December 2016
In 2017, the Les Li Viv has set up a comprehensive support program for the young mothers or future young mothers who want to re launch themselves in life, program including general courses as birth relative issues, women health, human growth and development, family planning, customer care and nutrition issues, as well as courses in English, French, computer sciences, baking, and sewing, with an focus of producing commercial items which can generate immediate revenues: printing of church pamphlets (funerals), cakes and reusable shopping bags, etc
Our clubs are committed to keep supporting this well reputed association and will publish the progress of our support.