Our first public appearance
Installation Night of the 2013-2014 President of the Rotary Club of Victoria.
The Rotary Club of Victoria Coco De Mer was officially in existence as soon as the President of the Rotary Club International Mr Sakuji Tanaka, and our District Governor Mr Alain Le Bihan had signed the Chart of the Club: it took place on June 14thh 2013
Our first Public Appearance as a Club was at the Installation Night of the President of the Rotary Club of Victoria, Mr. Mario Rotolo, on Saturday 6th of July 2013 at Barbaron Meridien.
More than 50% of our Club members were present to express support to the incoming president of our Sponsoring Club and to express our willingness to work together in our large Rotary family, with the Rotary spirit.
Unfortunately we have not been able to obtain pictures of the events and we did not have yet appointed photographers!
Were present Karl, Juanita, Carlo, Arlene, Celine, David, Colette, Michel and Michel, Riaz, Lucile.
It was a very pleasant evening, well organized and those present are keeping good memories of the event.
Our best wishes to Mario, and farewell through your Presidency year.