Lottery: 1st day of Direct Sale at Orion Mall
The first tickets of our Easter Lottery were still drying from the printer! That a group of Rotarians tested the reaction of the public towards our lottery concept.
First, the star price, an Hyundai Elantra, is a magic magnet on everyone’s mind and yes, somebody will have to win it!
Then, the mechanism to win back the ticket’s cost through a purchase of 300SR of food and basic commodities was of course unbelievable to many, who had to be explained that it is real!
The results were great, more than 20 books sold in the morning, as a first exposure, in the middle of the month, when the shoppers are less as the money is short. The reactions were very encouraging and plus, several persons have openly asked us how to become a Rotarian.
Selling this Saturday: Carlo, Marco, Karl, David, Michel and Michel, reinforced by Christie and Angie. Thank you to all of you, see you next Saturday!