Guest Speaker: Mr Clever Zulu, a writer, a thinker, with a very particular approach in life.
On the 15th of May 2014, Rotarian Wellington introduced Mr Clever Zulu, he is a writer and among other responsibilities, he also works at North Island Resort.
Mr Clever Zulu came to tease our brain with a very inspiring speech about leadership, willpower in achieving one’s goal/objective.
When crises occurs, what if you could use your imagination to picture a positive outcome. Rather than focusing on how bad things really are, hold a vision of the infinite possibilities of transformation and opportunities for growth that exist in every area of your life. Refuse to live in fear or to energize negative scenarios–do not think of them, imagine them, or worry about them. Every time a negative picture comes into your mind, replace it with a positive vision.
The future is full of questions, not just for the individual but for the generation. How are we going to employ the growing populations? What sort of new industries can spur new employment and meaningful jobs? Will technology replace or greatly reduce the need for new employment? What will the growing masses of unemployed do to feed and house themselves? What will happen if tax cuts and ravaged government budgets are insufficient to provide for public health? Have we passed the point where we can hold government or industry accountable? Have we become slaves to materialism and has the job become our meaning for existence? What can I do now to really make a change? What changes should I make? These are questions that I know most of you have considered. After all, any hope of change will come from dialogue and discussion at the grass roots levels; for sure it will not come from the very people who stand to lose their position and power.
We will deserve what we get unless…..all people everywhere in the world make right decisions that are inspired by their higher selves, and carry out those decisions skillfully and masterfully. This results in people with mental clarity, emotionally calm, and spiritual awareness. Where we get in touch with our creativity, strength, courage, dignity and wisdom.
Humanity is experiencing an outpouring of love, new ideas, and soul connections. Humanity is hope, optimism, and positive visions of the future. People believing in abundance and are able to create it in their lives. People supporting those in need and are generous in sharing. Criticism is replaced with understanding, love, and cooperation. Humanity is being in alignment with Divine Will. Humanity is enlightened leadership where boundaries between peoples, nations, and races dissolve, and people know their oneness with each other and with the plant, animal, and mineral kingdoms.
Isolation turns into community, aloneness into friendships, and separateness into inclusiveness. All people are free to follow and live their higher purpose.
More love, more power, More light