On the 14th January, the Rotary Club Coco de Mer made a donation of 8 electric inclinable armchairs to the Oncology Unit of the Seychelles Hospital. These armchairs which were specially ordered from Italy by the club will be used by patients during their chemotherapy sessions and will make them feel more comfortable than being in a bed. The armchairs were handed over by District Governor Jean-Marie Fumery to Dr. Reginald, director of hospital services.
During the same ceremony, the club donated a cheque of Rs 200,000 to the Cancer Concern Association to assist the association in purchasing a mini bus that would be used to assist cancer patients in the districts. The money was raised from the Easter lottery organised by the club in early 2015.
District Governor Jean-Marie then had the opportunity to visit the Les Li Viv association where the RC Coco de Mer has recently refurbished the kitchen as part of a longer term project to assist this association.