District Conference in Madagascar: What an intense Rotary time!
(30th of April to 3rd of May 2014)
A great cocktail of fellowship, friendship, but a heavy program of presentations and discussions with Rotarians from the 62 clubs of the District!
Let us go through the conference chronologically
The Carlton hotel with his 13 floors in the center of Tananarive was ideal for hosting such a gathering.
First day: the District Governor had planned a march of all delegations on the main avenue of the capital.
Incoming President Bernard for the RC Victoria joined us under the Seychelles banner.
The first evening was an unplanned gathering where some will recognize our ADG Bernard Leong-Son in full action.
The official opening ceremony of the District Conference took place on our second day.
We had no problem to find our seats.
DG Jean opened the District conference and called on the guest speaker who is a fellow Rotarian from his club as well, the RC of Ainga
And you will recognize his Fellow Rotarian who you should have seen before! As he is the President of Madagascar: President Hery Martial Rakotoarimanana Rajaonarimampianina.
At the end of the official opening ceremony, the Delegates could enjoy a firework form the Carlton Hotel Conference Center.
On the next day, after a long series of sessions, the next event was a tropical evening with the participation of bands, different artists and dancers. Once again our members showed their pioneer spirit and dared to join!
Between sessions, a souvenir picture, showing all the flags or the country in our District,
The next evening event was a home hospitality party at one of our fellow Rotarian from Tana.
With our President Elect Dinaz, the new Minister of Tourism who is becoming soon a member of the Rotary Club of Ainga!
The last day was the presentation of the accounts where we shall recognize PDG Alain Le Bihan, different reports and the prizes giving ceremony!
Then came the presentation of the management team of the District for the year 2014- 2015 selected by Incoming District Governor Alen (from Mauritius)
The next District Conference will take place in Mauritius from the 29th of April to the 2de of May 2015. It would be fun to have a strong delegation!
Finally to close the Conference, we participated to the Governor Banquet.
The full Seychelles Presence at the District Conference.
Unusual guests, acting as “mechanical dolls”
And to close this presentation, a view on Tananarive from the 13th floor of the Carlton Hotel.
The summary of the participants at the District Conference: A great experience in life.