Creative Perfume: Guest Speaker: Isabelle Gelle.
On the 17th of July the club was happy to welcome Isabelle Gelle who initiates us in her trade.
Mrs Isabelle Gelle, born in France, spent her youth in New Caledonia, “where the nature is very rich, a bit similar to one in Seychelles”, she said. She developed a passion for odors and started to make scent candles; from there, she experienced to mix different natural products and flowers to create her first “perfumes”. She worked for years in Africa in the green thee and spice business.
Finally 10 years ago, she started in UK her own production of creative perfumes, using natural products; she is presently distributing her perfume in UK and in the USA, branching in the Emirates.
She presently resides in Seychelles. “The Seychelles mother nature is inspiring and provides the right environment for developing new formulas of perfume” she told us.
She also conducts seminars and training sessions for those who want to get in dept into the trade or simply for their own pleasure.
The interesting presentation was opening a first door to the unknown world –to most of us- of perfume. The slides of her presentation are posted hereunder.
Challenging the members’ nose!
We are sharing with you the presentation of Mrs Isabelle Gelle. Simply double click on the following link.