Charter Night
Official Handing Over of the Pins to the Members
The Charter Night is the official ceremony marking the social recognition of a Club and the Charter is handed over to the President.
The Rotary Club Victoria-Coco De Mer had the unique privilege to host three District Governors! : the present District Governor for the year 2013-2014, Mr Jean Ravelonarivo, the Immediate Past District Governor, Mr Alain Le Bihan under which authority the Club was actually launched in June 2013, and the Past District Governor Mr Bertrand Miclo.
This explains also why the Club has received actually two Charters, one signed by the present District Governor and one signed in June 2013 by the past District Governor.
One precision which will clarify some possible questions: the Rotary calendar year starts on the first of July to end on the 30th of June.
As shown in the following pictures, during the ceremony, all the present members received their pins from one of the Governors.