A special Thursday meeting, welcoming two PDGs
It was a great pleasure and honour to welcome to a regular Thursday meeting two Past District Governors (PDG): immediate PDG Alain Le Bihan who had been ”the spark to our club creation” and the “facilitator”, and PDG Bertrand Miclo.
Both shared with us their long and rich Rotary experience and what changes it did to their lives to be a Rotarian.
A very enriching experience to the members:
Before the official time of the meeting, some Rotarians always arriving before the time: Lucile, Karl and Riaz.
Carlo always preparing his special weekly presentation…
Both PDG, always ready to share their experience.
A small token of appreciation for all the support given to our club, directly or indirectly. Creating a club is certainly an uphill battle challenge, but without PDG Alain’s efficient assistance, it would have been very difficult.