2015 Easter Lottery in pictures
Rotarian Riaz with the very first buyer at 8:15, all set up for the last day sale!
Rotarians David and Karl, also part of our early birds team of vendors!
President Elect Marco , handling early the third selling station !
The 2000 books of tickets are getting ready for the draw.
DJ Patrick searching for the best of the best 80’s and 90’s rock and rolling songs as requested by the “captain”
Rotarian Vincent and PP Michel enjoying a good joke
PP Michel ensuring that all goes smoothly and that the books will be back in time for the draw!
Rotarian Dolores first to arrive reinforce the guy sellers team !
Rotarian Michelle bringing her efficient smile and bon humeur !
The external team led by Christie who came to assist is for most of the 12 Saturdays at Orion Mall. Thank you Christie!
Rotarian Lucile managed to be with us ! Great example of dedication !
People looking for purchasing the last tickets!
Placing the last books in the right box, making mistake would lead to chaos during the draw! Great job Rotarians Marco, Michel, Riaz, Vincent, Karl and Jacqueline!
Rotarian Celine, resting after having sold “on the move”, her selling technique, and PP George preparing his MC duties. Rotarian Riaz concentrating in the master list of the books, identifying which ones are not yet in the boxes.
President Dinaz and Rotarian Juanita arriving to check if the “troops” are working well. The smile shows that she is happy of what is happening.
Preparation of the draw: our Club prefers using the “innocence” of teens rather than the electronic machine, so do most of the people in Seychelles, even if it is slower.
After 5 months of work, finally the closing time, the draw, with the presence of the police and the licensing authority. Everything went smoothly, thank you everyone!